Headshot of APWU Vice President Debby Szeredy

Debby Szeredy

Executive Vice-President

(202) 842-4250

1300 L Street NW
Washington DC 20005

The Executive Vice President is the second-highest-ranking officer in the American Postal Workers Union, and is responsible for assisting the president in the administration of the union.

The Executive Vice President performs the duties of the President in case of his/her absence, and has general responsibility for field operations; is involved in many of the union’s campaigns, and assists officers at the national, state and local level.

Debby Szeredy News Articles

You Have Power as a Postal Worker and as a Customer

“We can’t afford to lose our very important public Postal Service.” Vice President Debby Szeredy shares information on how postal workers and...

I Believe Our Postal Service is Quickly Changing into a Failing Business Model and Our Universal Service Obligation to America is Disappearing.

The Postmaster General (PMG) has degraded our Service Standards and he isn’t stopping. His business plan is destroying us and has lost the confidence...

Union Members Take Heed, We Need You Actively With Us in 2024

Political campaigns have begun, and the Postal Service needs to be ready to make a difference. The problem is our mail processing network has been...

Bringing Faith and Hope to Our Union

The Young Members Conference, the All-Craft Conference, and Auxiliary and Retirees Conference brought faith and hope to our union!