2018-09-05 Clerk Craft Jobs MOU re. 204B in Non-Managerial, Non-Supervisory Position

MOU re: 204B in non-managerial, non-supervisory position

Clerk Craft , 204b , Clerk Craft Jobs MOU

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The issue in this case is whether the restriction on 204B usage as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Re: Clerk Craft Jobs, Section 2.D, is applicable to bargaining unit employees detailed to non-bargaining, non-supervisory positions. As full and complete resolution of this case, the parties mutually agree to the following: The restriction regarding 204B usage as stated in the MOU, Re: Clerk Craft Jobs, Section 2.D, does not apply to bargaining unit employees detailed to non-bargaining, non-supervisory positions, as the detailed positions do not supervise bargaining unit employees. Article 37.3.A.8 of the 2015-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement is still applicable. The parties further agree that any case held pending this national dispute will be resolved in accordance with this agreement and local fact circumstances. The parties agree that this settlement satisfies those local grievances directly related to the national dispute; however, the local parties may address any remaining contractual issues in accordance with the grievance/arbitration procedure at the local level

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

APWU National Grievance Number:  HQTC20160102

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Clerk Craft , 204b , Clerk Craft Jobs MOU

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