The Best In APWU-COPA!

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On behalf of the Northeast Region it is with great pride that I take this opportunity to recognize and congratulate APWU’s top COPA contributors recently recognized at our 2014 National Convention.

What an honor…two of the top three individual contributors within the entire APWU are from the Northeast Region and I know them both personally and they are great unionists! Well done Deb and Bernie!

Special recognition to the second highest COPA contributor - Deborah Koeller Area Representative - Greater CT Area Local, APWU

Special recognition to the third highest COPA contributor -  Bernie Timmerman - National Business Agent - Clerk Craft - New York Region.

With a great deal of personal pride - the top APWU Local Union (1,000+ members)  for COPA contributors for a second year is - Greater CT Area Local - Bob Johnson, President. Congratulations GCAL and special thanks to Bob Johnson for his continued leadership in making sure his members fully understanding the importance of contributing to APWU- COPA!

Let's not forget the outstanding achievement of the Manchester, NH Area Local for their second place standing for all locals of 500-900 members. Special thanks and recognition to President Dan Coletti and Legislative Grassroots Coordinator Janice Kelble for their collective leadership in making sure their members understand the importance of APWU-COPA!

And yes one more group to recognize…Puerto Rico Retiree's Chapter for their efforts as the second top performing Retirees Chapter in the APWU! Great job to our sisters and brothers in the Caribbean.

APWU Locals throughout the Northeast Region have responded to the union’s calls for action to raise COPA funds to protect APWU’s interests. Thank you to all our local leadership and every member who has contributed to COPA. Thank you for your collective efforts to build a viable COPA fund. Your hard work makes a real difference. When workers and labor unions take collective action, politicians take note.

You make us very proud! Congratulations to all!

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