USPS Position Letter: Article 38; Maintenance Craft (1981)

Maintenance Craft , withholding , Posting , Vacant Assignment , withhold residual vacancy

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This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether or not management violated Article 38 of the National Agreement by not posting an Electronic Technician assignment as soon as it became vacant. The Union contended that the assignment should have been posted and any residual vacant assignment withheld. In this case, management determined that the least adverse operational impact would result from the assignment in question remaining vacant until a qualified candidate became available. Under these circumstances, the Postal Service determined that a contractual violation did not occur and denied the grievance.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8T5EC15965, A8W1944

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Maintenance Craft , withholding , Posting , Vacant Assignment , withhold residual vacancy

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