Settlement Rescinds EEO Complaint Processing Handbook

The APWU and the Postal Service agreed recently in a pre-arbitration settlement that management shall rescind the EEO Complaint Processing Handbook (EL-603). 

BQnet Settlement

This settlement concerns the Postal Service’s creation of an electronic database to replace the Handbook EL-303, “Qualification Standards – Bargaining Unit Positions.”

Award on Inspection of Vehicles in Non-Public Areas of Postal Property

Arbitrator Linda Byars denied the APWU's grievance challenging the Postal Service's regulations and implementing instructions for the administrative inspection of vehicles entering non-public areas of postal property. 

Maintenance Wins Significant Award

Recently Arbitrator Arthur T. Voss sustained the union’s grievance in Case #E10T-4E-C 11388721 , known as the Western Area Lock case or the Diebold case. 

NRLCA Award on Review and Concurrence

A National Rural Letter Carriers Association (NRLCA) award in which the arbitrator found that Article 16.6 of the USPS-NRLCA National Agreement, which is not materially different from Article 16.8 of the USPS-APWU National Agreement, is violated “if...
