Guffey Asks, Who’s the ‘We?’

Testifying before a House panel on June 15, APWU President Cliff Guffey began by taking issue with the title of the hearing, “Postal Infrastructure: How Much Can We Afford?”

Guffey to Testify on USPS Network Before House Subcommittee

APWU President Cliff Guffey will testify before a House Subcommittee on June 15 about the retail and mail processing network of the Postal Service.

Updated Consolidation Toolkit Available to Assist in Locals’ Efforts

The APWU has produced an updated toolkit to assist locals in their efforts to bring attention to the negative effects consolidation would have on mail service.

Management Message Confirms Excessing Moratorium

Union officials in locales where managers are balking at implementing the moratorium on excessing that was announced on Dec. 15 will be pleased to see an e-mail message from a headquarters-level manager notifying Area-level officials of the...

Support Crucial Postal Bills

The union is asking APWU members to give their U.S. representatives an important “welcome home” message during Congress’ August recess: Support H.R. 5746, a bill to restore financial stability to the Postal Service.
