APWU POWER Caucus Held

July 24, 2014

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At a caucus held after adjournment of  Monday’s  convention session, members and supporters of the APWU Post Office Women for Equal Rights (POWER) heard inspiring accounts from a number of sisters about their life experiences and paths to leadership roles in the APWU because of POWER.

“Currently the APWU has 18 women elected to national offices, more than any union in the United States of America,” said Joyce Robinson, POWER National Liaison and APWU Research & Education Director. “We are proud of that."

“The POWER movement is not about taking over the union, it’s about women having their fair share in the Union. Men of quality are not threatened by women seeking equality,” Robinson said.

Recognizing their involvement and active participation had not kept pace with an increase in the number of female union members, a women’s movement in the APWU developed in the late 70’s, designed to raise consciousness among the rank and file women of the union. Out of the movement came POWER.



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