Dispute Over Consolidation of Districts Appealed to Arbitration

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The APWU has appealed to arbitration a dispute over the Postal Service's unilateral consolidation of six USPS Districts. By letter dated May 12, 2009, the union was informed that six district offices had been consolidated and that effective July 4, 2009, the casual reports used by the Union to monitor compliance with Article 7.1.B.5 will reflect the new structure as specified in the letter. On July 1, 2009, the union challenged the authority of the Postal Service to make this unilateral change as contrary to the 2006-2010 National Agreement, which applies the casual limitations to the Districts as defined on the effective date of the agreement. It is the union's position that this is a mid-term modification of the collective bargaining agreement, prohibited by Article 5, that allows the Postal Service to evade the casual caps and thereby employ more casuals than it otherwise might have under the pre-existing district structure.

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