Maintenance Craft Debates Settlement

July 23, 2014

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Maintenance delegates gathered at a pre-convention conference in Chicago to discuss a major settlement that resolves a long-standing dispute over custodial staffing and results in the conversion to career of all Maintenance Craft Postal Support Employees.

In December 2011, the USPS announced new plans to modify the MS-47 Handbook. 

“The MS-47 Handbook is probably the most litigated handbook in the history of the APWU,” Maintenance Craft Director Steve Raymer said, noting that management has tried on numerous occasions to modify it, only to have the changes successfully challenged by the APWU in arbitration.

“The difference this time around was that management learned from their earlier arbitration defeats,” he said.

The delegates were often unsure of what to think and were thankful for the opportunity to get their questions answered.

“I have mixed feelings,” said Delegate William Colbert from the National Capitol Area Local, “The truth is, I have a lot of questions and that’s why I’m here. The Maintenance Conference is where I know I can get the information that’s important to me.”

“The delegates were fully engaged in spirited debates. Overall, it was a successful meeting,” Director Raymer noted.

National officers reported on Maintenance Craft issues, and attendees received a CD containing updated training material to take home and share with other members.

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